How I Spent my Summer Vacation

What a crazy couple of months it’s been.

I left for camp the first week of June and just got back in mid August. Im not going to lie and say it was all sparkles and smiles. The drive alone was a ridiculous 7 and a half hours (luckily i left at the crack of dawn thus avoiding traffic). I wasn’t sure of the whole thing because I had never done anything like this before. On top of it all, I was leaving Adam and Sierra and that was the most awful thing I could’ve done.

When I finally got to camp I found myself totally alone. No one was there to meet me. A few hours later I was whisked away to our sister camp and also met my supervisor. I got a crash course in camp kitchens over the weekend. My first few days at camp was overwhelmingly informative.

It would be so hard to sum up every detail of my summer. I can give you the highlights, the not so highlights, some pictures, and some quips just so you can get an idea of the craziness that was summer camp in Southern California.

Let’s start with a quick tour of the quirky little town I called home for the summer…

And here’s where I lived…