wordless wednesday: weekend picture dump







Let’s play a game!!

It’s called what the heck is all that crap in ashley’s purse!
Here is just a small glimpse into a very small part of my life- the things I think are important enough to carry around all the time.


That’s my purse (for this week). It’s an old (6 years) honey colored Wilson’s Leather bag my ex bought me when we were dating.

And here’s what’s inside.


Let’s start with the top left.
That weird green thing. That’s my Brita water bottle/filter. Yeah. There’s a water filter in it. I don’t leave home without it.

Then we have my phone charger and my keys.

Grey H&M cardigan. I carry a cardigan everywhere. Just in case I get the shivers.

Body By Bethenny. Just got it and I planned on giving it a test run except I had it ondemand as a free gift with purchase from Amazon. Awesomeness!! (love it by the way)

Ray Bans. New Wayfarers. Only sunglasses that fit my tiny baby head. Love them. Worth it.

Wet Ones To Go. Just in case. I spill things…

Hand sanitizer, Target brand. Germs are gross.

Paris lotion from Bath and Body Works. Won it at a bridal shower. Smells like something Bath and Body Works would make (you know what I’m talking about).

Red glasses case that hold my purple Benetton glasses.

Pen/Planner thats exploding with wedding/shower invites. My planner is my life.

Buxom lipgloss in Tempest. Just one gloss. I’m impressed with myself! I’ve been known to carry 6 at a time. Wolves and lip glosses travel in packs.

Chapstick. Medicated. I like SPF.

Random Ikea pencil. I can’t even tell you the last time I went to Ikea..

Vitamin container. I take my vitamins with me so I remember to take them everyday.

Shawn White Stride Gum. BF picked it out. It’s good.

2 movie tickets to see 30 Minutes Or Less. Go see it if you love inappropriate jokes and lots of explosions.

My big girl wallet. Navy blue Fossil leather. Love it.

And that’s it. (Yes that all fits in there. I know I don’t need most of it but I’m a huge “just in case” packer)

Hope you enjoyed your peek into my little valley life.

i’m pretty sure my body thinks i’m crazy

i saw a flier in a local grocery store with this picture on it and i grabbed it. i kind of gave it a once over on the way home then i put it down. i’d only run one 5k before and a 10k is way too much for me to handle. i can barely run 2 miles before getting bored so this craziness  definitely wasn’t for me.


then i saw it sitting on the coffee table and i picked it up again. a glass or two of champagne and a facebook status update later and i had been convinced i could do it! so i clicked register. (did i mention i cave to peer pressure quite easily?) (also i’d never heard of so many people saying “10k is a fun distance to run”.. i’m convinced those people are nuts)

every since then i’ve been thinking about it and even rotated early morning runs out and about the neighborhood to “train”. sierra loves it. she goes nuts for runs. and then we come back home and sprawl out on the floor and recover.

to make my training easier on my body i’ve started following a diet. the 17 day diet. after hearing good things from a twitter friend and doing some research i bought the book (on super sale at target. i couldn’t wait for it to get shipped).

why i like this diet and you should too:

  • lots of lean protein options.
  • probiotics, probiotics, probiotics!!
  • yummy veggies
  • you can still eat fruit!!


so check it out for yourself. its super easy to follow, first of all. and you really dont have to change your diet (unless you’re a starch-fiend. which i am not so i guess it works well for me). it also incorporates things your should be eating more of anyway (i have a problem with eating protein. im so bad at it). it also stresses good things like probiotics. if you aren’t ingesting some sort of probiotic i highly recommend it. they make your body feel good and they can be found in supplements and yummy flavored kefir.

and i’m down 2 pounds since monday.

go me!

more clean eating fun!

I don’t know if  you know this but apples and zucchinis are friends. it may not sound like it but they definitely are a match made in produce heaven.  together they are not too sweet but just sweet enough to be a little breakfast pick me up. plus you are getting crazy amounts of nutrients by sneaking veggies into your muffins. (and if you see adam don’t tell him he took four apple zucchini muffins to work. he doesn’t like eating green things)




Zucchini Apple Bread (or muffins) from Clean Eating Magazine


  • Olive oil cooking spray
  • 1 1/4 cups whole-wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup spelt flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon, ground
  • 1/4 tsp fine sea salt
  • 2/3 cup of apple, grated
  • 1 cup zucchini, grated
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup raw honey


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Mist an 8 x 4-inch or 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with cooking spray.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together flours, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together apple, zucchini, egg, yogurt and honey.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and fold until just combined. Spread batter into prepared pan and bake until golden brown, 40 to 45 minutes.
Nutrients per 3/4-inch slice (2 oz): Calories: 113, Total Fat: 1 g, Sat. Fat: 0.25 g, Carbs: 24 g, Fiber: 3 g, Sugars: 9 g, Protein: 4 g, Sodium: 125 mg, Cholesterol: 21 mg


where has my life gone and where is it going

i wonder this on a daily basis.partially because my brain never shuts off and partially because im 25 and people ask what i want to do with my life.

and then i panic.

my life is full of  “i should have… ” and  “i should be…”

i should have done more internships in school. i should have joined more clubs, made more friends, stayed in chico longer. i should embrace my youth, find some crazy job, and live in a big city.i should travel more. i should have backpacked through europe.. no actually i don’t enjoy schlepping and hostels scare the crap out of me. i also enjoy showering and not sharing a space.

how did i end up living in the valley? no one ever really sees themselves at 25 moving to the valley and living the suburban life. im constantly wondering where i would be had my degree gotten me a job. instead i followed a boy to the valley because his job is here. i compromised. which i do on certain occasions. because i like to make things work. i swear i am really a nice person.

but my life lacks excitement. pizazz. i have a very routine lifestyle. i am stuck in a rut. not like some quarter life crisis but an actual rut.

and then i read a recent post on Chris and Paige (and Fox)’s blog.  whether you are single, married, getting married, what-have-you you will find that it applies to you.

the first passage that hit home– Don’t spend Friday and Saturday night studying, working, or just watching TV.

i know our tiny valley town doesnt have much to offer in the nightlife category but adam and i spend most (if not all) friday and saturday nights at home on the couch. i can’t even begin to tell you how boring it is. our relationship isn’t any stronger for it. our social lives are lacking.

the second passage that stands out– Find activities and hobbies that you both enjoy and do them together.

since adam and i live together we do most everything together. we go grocery shopping together, we watch tv together, and we sometimes go out to the movies together. every so often we go out to a movie together. it is a nice way to hang out but its also a great way to hang out with someone and not actually interact with them (which is why i always recommend it as a great first date).  i wish adam would spend time with me at the gym, but that just isnt his thing- just like he would rather play video games and that just isnt my thing.

and another great one– It’s a lot easier to do things right from the beginning than to change mid-stream.

oh boy. as soon as i read this i immediately thought about chores. our weak point is picking up around the house. we both work different hours and have different pay scales and no matter what articles i’ve read about it, nothing works. chore charts, trades, asking… i wonder sometimes if setting ground rules in the beginning was the way to go. but i didn’t even do that with roommates i’ve had because it just worked.

this is my favorite– Share your feelings and thoughts without worrying about what the other will think.

i am constantly struggling with my feelings. i don’t like hurting others so i’d rather keep it to myself. i’d rather bottle it up and explode than just let it out every now and then. even when it comes to blogging i start with a great topic and start writing and then choose not to publish because i don’t want anyone to be hurt or think i’m a weirdo. chances are we’re just as nuts as the next person but no one likes to feel like the cheese standing alone.

so don’t be the cheese and head over to Chris and Paige’s blog and give it a read. its a beautiful post with beautiful pictures.

yes i’m constantly referring you to their blog because it’s one of my favorites and i read it on a daily basis and have for over a year. paige has great style, an adorable family (human, feathered, and furry), pretty pictures, and great insight.

read blogs. they’re cheaper than books. and they have pictures.

fill in the blanks!!

1. This weekend I’m… living it up bachelorette style! making great food, going for runs with sierra, browsing the farmer’s market, maybe painting my bathroom.

2. My last vacation was… 4th of july weekend in LA.
3. My next vacation will be… a few days in LA. taking pictures, eating, and enjoying city life.

4. My favorite way to relax is… getting my eyebrows waxed or painting my nails.

5. When vacationing one should always… eat great food and take lots of pictures!

6. When vacationing one should never… forget to wear sunscreen.
7. The best part about a vacation is… experiencing a different way of life.


**found on tenpennysplendid

five things friday

five things i think about when i run…

  1.  how hot it is in my gym….they never use the ac. never. i swear i might as well run outside because it’s not any cooler in the gym.
  2. how much longer i have to run…. i hate running. hate it. lots. but i do it because it’s good for me.
  3. upcoming events… and what i plan on wearing to them. how i should put together an outfit for them. lots of weddings coming up and i need to scrounge up things to wear.
  4. how much the giants suck… because it seems like whenever i’m at the gym and the giants game is on they’re always losing. stop it giants. stop it right now.
  5. pandora… its what i listen to when im at the gym. i have two stations i have just for working out- ke$ha (yeah i know whatever you suck) and britney spears. for the most part they’re the perfect beats to run to…then “motherlover” or some cute bruno mars song comes on and throws everything off and i hate it.

how i’ve managed to get invited to so many weddings and bridal showers and managed to dodge the bachelorette parties (but not the bridal showers)

this year I’ve been invited to a total of 5 weddings. and whenever i tell people they are always flabbergasted. thankfully i have people that love me enough to invite me to their weddings but not actually have me involved in them. three of the five i’ve received invitations to their accompanying bridal showers and two of which i’ve been invited to their accompanying bachelorette parties. i have been to three of three bridal showers this year.
the first wedding I was ever invited to was over 4 years ago. maybe even 5 or 6 years ago. i was also invited to the bridal shower (horrible disaster) and the bachelorette party (sounded like a horrible disaster). i actually went to the bridal shower. after the weirdness of the bridal shower i skipped out on the bachelorette party. and to this day i’m so glad i did.

ever since that first bridal shower i’ve been stressed out by wedding festivities. bridal shower games are the worst! they’re awkward, involve making wedding gowns out of toilet paper, unwrapping lingerie in front of mothers of the bride (and grandma), and awkward “so how do you know the bride” conversation. on the plus side they have cake (if you get offered a slice..which I did not once). all the while i hide behind my camera and everyone asks if i’m a professional photographer… which is much better than them asking why i’m not participating in answering 20 questions about the bride and groom that no one knows the answer to. the other source of discomfort is the whole opening of presents. i always feel like i’m being judged for what i picked to wrap up and give. that’s before i realize that everyone bought something off the registry. then it becomes a matter of who bought the most expensive present which makes me feel horrible all over again. trust me..bridal showers are so much more pleasant from the viewfinder.

i’d love to go to a bachelorette party. i think it’s a fun night/weekend with just “the girls”. i’ve never been a girl’s girl so i’m not even quite sure how i’d do at a bachelorette party. i skipped out on the first of three because i was working/it was just too far and expensive. i’m currently skipping out on this weekend’s events because i didn’t feel like shoving it off on my credit card to hang out with girls who didn’t talk to me at the bridal shower plus Adam will be in the same city and we wouldn’t be able to hang out. i’m not friends with anyone but the bride, although i am friends with the groom’s side of the bridal party (boys and girls aren’t allowed to hangout.. weird concept). so now i’m at the point where Adam is going but i’m not and instead i’m sitting here kicking myself that i didnt go and then i don’t feel bad because i would be taking a different flight than everyone else, refuse to pay a couple hundred dollars for a hotel room (shared with other girls i dont know/booze–booze is expensive??), and have a thing against strip clubs. they weird me out. i have no desire. not my thing, rather not pay for that. now im at the point of justifying my decision not to go to vegas. ugh. id rather save my money for paris. or iceland.

while we’re on the subject of money– let’s talk about gifts.  so far i’ve bought victoria’s secret gift cards, super fancy dish towels, and bathroom accessories. things out of the price range for myself. i’d love for someone to buy me new fluffy towels, knives that can chop through everything, and kitchen utensils that match. weddings are funny in that sense; we buy amazing things for people we care about but not actually for ourselves. and i think that’s what gets me the most.

the funny things about weddings.. they make you think about your wedding. how amazing the passed apps of food truck favorites  are going to be– followed by a delicious array of surf and turf (heavy on the surf). how the bar will be open and fully stocked with sierra nevada pale ale and the bubbly will be free flowing. how the most heavenly cake you’ve ever tasted will be stacked tier upon tier with the freshest fruit preserves separating each layer. and how the boys stand by the groom looking dapper as ever and the girls float down the aisle glowing in their jewel tone dresses. and just when you think you’ve got your wedding figured out, you realize you’re there at the altar with no one to stand with. you are the cheese. standing alone. that you don’t have anyone that can say they’ve known you long enough to reminisce over your favorite VHS tapes growing up,  making mixed tapes, high school graduation, or your 21st birthday.

as always she’s the most stunning bride anyone’s ever seen and he’s the most handsome groom. as you think back to going out bar crawling together in tank tops and flip flops it dawns on you how much older everyone is now. so you leave early because you have a long drive ahead of you (and even saying that makes you feel old).  you leave  long after the sun has set, but still too early for a bite of cake.  and (despite blubbering through the whole ceremony)  you look beautiful- basking in the glow of their wedding. because i guess everyone is happiest when they’re thinking of how amazing love is/can be/will be.

my adventure in clean eating

honestly, i gave this recipe a glance and said “what is spelt flour?! that sounds terrible…” and then continued on my merry baking way, not thinking much of it.

i mixed according to directions and it looked thin. i didn’t have high hopes for this one. but when i took a bite… it tasted wonderful. definitely didn’t taste like it was from Clean Eating Magazine. (the only not “clean” ingredient was brown sugar. cane juice apparently isn’t sold in my area)

would i give this another go? definitely. but with a few adjustments. maybe more flour… maybe not whirr it up in the blender…

Cherry Clafoutis by Clean Eating Magazine

2 eggs
2 egg whites
¾ cup skim milk
½ cup spelt flour
¼ tsp fine sea salt
½ tsp pure almond extract
¼ cup organic evaporated cane juice, divided
olive oil cooking spray
30 cherries, pitted

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F

1) In a blender combine eggs, egg whites, milk, flour, salt, almond extract and all but 1 tbsp cane juice

2) Mist a 9 inch oven-proof skillet with cooking spary and place on medium high heat. Add cherries to skillet and sprinkle with remaining 1 tbsp cane juice. When cane juice has just begun to melt, about 45 seconds, pour prepared batter over cherries. (Since skillet is on stovetop, batter will immediately begin to set). Transfer skillet to oven and cook for 20 minutes, until set in center. Serve warm.

Options: Try your clafoutis served with a spoonful of nonfat plain Greek yogurt and a drizzle of pure maple syrup.
